Thanks for this. A team of researchers I was involved with wrote about social tipping points to address climate change, which speaks to something very similar. https://theconversation.com/how-social-tipping-points-could-limit-global-warming-130309

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I am fairly new to Gen Dread and Iam appreciative of the content as I navigate my own collapase aware journey and deal with the grief I feel for Gaia as well as my grandchildren. I must say I was excited seeing the headline of this post. Who doesn't want some good news? Sadly, when I got to the end of the post I was left with the question "Is this the good news? How?" I have a hard time comparing Gaia's tipping points with cultural tipping points. I fear we as a planetary civilization have already pushed through too many environmental tipping points to have much faith that cultural tipping points will end up making a difference as we speed towards extinction of our species and other life forms. I retain the hope that there may be a 0.5% change that my prediction is incorrect. I do think that cultural changes may delay the inevitable, but only delay it.

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