Feb 14Liked by Gen Dread

Sophie. Thank you so, so much. What a beautiful perspective for couples. You described my wife and I. Thank you for the insight that I need to know lot and lots of data and perspectives so that I can feel okay. Right on. Today, you are my climate valentine!

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Thank you for sharing such an important piece. Self love is the first step to love, it’s as simple as that. Happy Valentine’s Day to yall!

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This is a lovely post team! My partner of 25 years works in marketing and does have a degree in chemistry, but so-does-not want to hear about ‘healthy soil-carbon-sequestration’ nor dead soil’s lost ability to perform that crucial ecosystem service… 😃. Hollie’s professional focus is women’s health and well-being across industries. Mine is sustainability, championing Dr Wray, and supporting Gen Dread.

I used to let the climate mental health discussion ‘happen’ during professional meetings - I lead with it now.

Our partners may also lull us into a sense that the world already knows the million things we want to say - because we’ve dropped sooo much information on them. We need to give them a break and remember this post year-round.

We’re building community for systemic change right here as Dreadheads. I’m so very thankful for that. So is my partner.

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