Very helpful to understand the vocabulary valences here. And thanks specifically for the term "climate distress" which I'll fold into my efforts around climate coaching. Reading through several of your wonderful posts this afternoon, I'm grateful for the broad set of resources and lenses you are bringing to the topic.

I would offer that one of the core areas of resilience that we in the West tend to be cut off from is simply being in nature. See the work of folks like Animas Valley Institute, and John P. Milton. To get a sense of it, you can read three lovely entries in my friend and coaching colleague Hamish Mackay Lewis's Journal here: http://www.hamishmackaylewis.com/journal the 6-day solo, and then the Circle and the Bear parts I and II. Or you can hear Hamish's perspective here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_vS2QwTOIuQ

Forgive me if this aspect of reselience is covered elsewhere in your blog, I'm still working my way through it!

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Yes, I agree! I just learned of the work being done at Animus recently and would love to attend one of their excursions one day. I haven't yet covered this in the blog, but do in the book, and I'm sure I'll write about it on an upcoming week here at Gen Dread. Thanks for the great resources!

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