
I could not finish reading this article. I am close to the same age. As someone who has grown up living in different parts of the country. in different families, from upper-middle class, to uber wealthy, to poor farming community, to the "rocky mountain high" to living with a "yuppie" couple in California. I really get this guy, at least in reading the first part.

As I have said, I could not finish reading it. I am being ripped apart from the direction humanity and power has shifted the direction in so destructive of a path. It is just beyond my comprehension had bad we have allowed it to become.

We should have never gotten to the point of:

young people becoming clinically depressed about how hopeless they feel about their future. Even upper-middle class.

someone like Greta Thurnberg having to speak out and see where we are.

To have even Brit Wray having to even write such a book, and a new branch of psychology on this issue.

I am also hibernating, and crawling up in a corner, and crying. I just heard of a co-founder of "Code Pink who shared how she is going through the exact same thing, and how Code Pink is going through a crisis of realizing what they have done is failing, and how on earth they can be effective. She said 2024 will be a year of self-reflection, and many discussions of how they can change their tactics.

I know this is a long comment. I know I am not alone. I know that this is not what all you readers want to hear. We need more than hope. We need successes, we need a tipping point towards dramatic change and success. I am sorry I am unable to be this. I do hope with what I share here, will contribute to ideas and action that is more effective. more dramatic. Even legalistic effective.

I think I may be way off-topic regarding this article. However I hope, nor need to find some way we can make greater and faster and hard-nosed change.

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Yes storytelling with hope and heart captures the imagination and inspires people to act. That's why I promote climate fiction that is not mired in dystopia through my free newsletter www.climatestorygarden.com. Subscribers can read for free my new climate fiction mystery, The EarthStar Solution.

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What's old is new again. I recommend watching Apocalypto, where an ancient society performs religious rituals to change the weather. Take a step back and recognize cult behavior: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-become-a-cult-leader

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Noting that the very ancient, global, rational, mythopoetic mnemotechnical tradition, in all its regional variations and dating back tens of thousands of years, was securely rooted in advanced astromathematics; astrophysics; geophysics; ecoscience; an extensive historical record; complex medical philosophies / modalities (high sciences in their own right) and psychologically sophisticated moral / social codes that were seamlessly consistent with and reflective of the science and history.

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I support a simple removal of Bezmenov’s link as it is non sequitor to this post and non-logical in its own content, claiming in essence, data equals argument; a time waster.

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Fascinating insight, YB!

Thank you for posting the link.

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